Macro Generator
oliva — 2016-07-10T17:24:13-04:00 — #21
I've done a stupid thing. Create copies of macros (just in case things do not go well) open all macros you want to merge in MS Word, Copy all text from one macro and paste to another. Save macro with all codes. Open the macro with code from both (or all) macros in macro generator. It works as long as points you use in macros do not have same names. You can have points with same names but these should be the same points in all macros. It worked for me. I would assume there would be issues with more complicated macros. To prepare a two macros for merging I've renamed all points in macro generator for one of the files. When saving the files from MS Word do not change the format.
You may need to do some additional adjustments and math to reconcile the measures. To avoid multiple measures, name all measures consistently in your template macros.
gary — 2016-07-11T09:58:23-04:00 — #22
Hello Oliva,
What you've done sounds very clever. I know @EugenieNaber and @lane both hand edit files because MacroGen is too slow for large files Every so often a file gets ruined. Thanks for the tip.
gary — 2016-07-11T10:04:30-04:00 — #23
I have rewritten the merge program. It is at
I tested it on @dartis sloper and sleeve. It looks good but two points on the sleeve clearly have moved. I have not had time to track down what caused them to move. Any insights on this are helpful.
dartis — 2016-10-18T09:22:40-04:00 — #24
Hi, Gary,
I am finally getting around to looking at this; sorry for the delay. It is very odd that a couple of sleeve points are definitely out of whack, but I think it should be easy enough to fix. I’m not sure what could be causing this issue, but I’ll play with it a bit to see if I can figure it out.
Also, in my merge.mg4 file, the sleeve is overlapping the bodice front. Is that what you got, as well?
dartis — 2016-10-18T09:50:49-04:00 — #25
I figured out the cause of both issues.
The sleeve was wonky because 2 of my Distance Measures (i.e., SE-SI and SW-SY) were not imported with the Sloper - Sleeve.mg4, which threw off the SE-SY Math Point. This was easy enough to fix upon comparing the original sleeve .mg4 to the sleeve in the merge.mg4 file.
The overlap of the sleeve and bodice front was due to the X Fixed Distance of Point SA from the Start Point. Once I increased it from 12 to 24, all the pieces were separate and distinct.
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