Most of the time the standard point types do the job. Every so often
more is needed. Step in Code Points. Armed with a little programming
skill you can do anything with them. While programming is beyond post I
will quickly show how to use them.
Code points aren't created the normal way. They aren't in the
Point->Add tab. You can add them via Point->Code or by inserting
them into the point list (click on insert then select Code).
Lets start a new project and put a code point into it. Do the following:
- In the Menu click File->New
- Click Show
- In the menu click Point->Code
The code point for will be shown. Enter the following code.
@Point[New].X = 10;
@Point[New].Y = 20;
This sets the coordinates of the code point. Last finish and view the point.
The point New will be displayed. If you hover over it you see it is at 10,20 the coordinates we entered.
Is it possible to give the @Point[New] an other name by programming?
The @Point[New] has to match the point's name, ie the point is named New. If you change the point's name to First Point then you would use @Point[First Point].
Does this answer your questions?