Hi there, I am trying out the software. I do not see any measurement that will distinguish a protruding abdomen. Front is 25, Back is 20. How do I take that into account in PatternMaker for bodice, dress, pants?
Thanks all. Trying to get something to fit me, sick of RTW... 6'2" 230 lb woman.... Sigh....
In the pants (pleats or darts) you can click on if you have a belly. You get addtional length in the front. You do 2 drafts with 2 different waist measurements. You choose your size after your hip circ. You put in the standard waist minus your difference (back to front) about 5. The next draf twith the waist plus the difference. You take the first for the back and the second for the front. But do a muslin before you start with good fabric.
The dress or blouse are not as easy to alter. And do difficult to explain without pics.